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One Rate.
Multiple Applications.

Kantor is a unique activator adjuvant that brings unbeatable performance to crop protection sprays by removing the physical and chemical constraints that restrict activity and efficacy.

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Improve every step of the

Bringing compatibility to tank mixes, reliability in suboptimal application conditions and versatility in use, Kantor is the only 1-rate adjuvant solution to benefit the full mixing and spraying process end to end.

Better performance,





Emulsifiable concentrate containing 790 g/l alkoxylated triglycerides


Recommended uses 

Fungicides, plant growth regulators, post-emergence herbicides, insecticides and foliar nutrition


Rates of use

Apply Kantor at a rate of 0.15% (150ml per 100 litres water) of the final spray volume


Mixing order

Always add Kantor to the spray tank FIRST before adding crop protection products or foliar fertilisers


Pack size

10 litre drum

Kantor is a unique activator adjuvant that helps to optimise the performance of crop protection products at every stage of the spray delivery process, from tank to crop target.

With Kantor you can be confident that products added to the tank are stable, for effective, optimised application to where they are needed most.

150ml/100 litres of water


We’re all about good chemistry.

Great results in the field is just half the story. We also grow great relationships with distributors, growers and agronomists. That’s good chemistry.

® KANTOR is a registered trademark of Interagro (UK)

Distributed by Agrisource (2000) Ltd

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